Friday, 4 May 2012

Metrosexual Men

Who They Really Are Metrosexual. You might have heard people talk about it but maybe you are not sure yourself if you really understand what it really is. To put it simply, a metrosexual male is a straight man who enjoys things which were considered feminine or ‘girly’ in the past, like skin care and shopping. The term metrosexual first came about in an article published in 1994, though the term only gained the widespread fame it has today almost a decade later (in 2002 to be exact) when the author, Mark Simpson revisited the subject. In the article,Simpson described David Beckham as a poster boy of metrosexual. Now let’s imagine Beckham. What do you see? Yes, he’s handsome, with lots of money to spend and his appearance, clothes; all of them are top notch. He is the embodiment of metrosexual. Maybe some of us have the presumption that when a man looked all neat and tidy, with shaven face and glowing skin; he has to be a gay. Wrong. A metrosexual male just enjoy what would be considered as not manly in the past, though it is slowly changing. Skin care product for men is a thriving industry; it just goes to show how taking care of skin among men is fast becoming a norm and no longer be frowned upon. If you really think about it, there is nothing wrong in wanting to look good no matter the occasion. After all who likes a messy and dirty people? We’d rather have someone who cares about his appearance, so long as that said person doesn’t constantly asking us if he looked okay that day, then that would be really annoying. A metrosexual male likes fashionable clothes, stay up to date with current fashion, takes really good care of his appearance and lavishes some serious money for his maintenance (i.e. bi-weekly visit to beauty centre, skin care products and etc.) This is the reason that a metrosexual has to have access to best shops, clubs, hairdressers and gyms, hence the metro - for metropolitan as it usually has all the best stuffs. Hopefully you won’t mistake a perfectly straight guy for a gay, just because he looked all neat and tidy.Just think metrosexual men as overly conscious of their appearance, which they really are, and let them be. After all, don’t you glad that you befriend a person who takes care of himself really well?


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